Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finals month

Hello all, I hope everything is swell in your lives and that the thought of summer almost being here brings as much joy to you as it does to me! I have decided that I really am a bad blogger, I don't even remember that I even have one anymore. The last month or so has been crazy busy! Finals take a full month i swear, atleast the part where teachers begin talking about them and striking fear in each student's more week for me and i'll be home free. I have been working my little butt off as well, recruiting and knocking and meetings and millions and millions of emails.....I guess it's what i signed up for right? I love it though, I never realized what I was capable of. I kinda started dating someone as well the last few weeks (I know hard to believe huh) so I made many trips down to provo to spend as much time as we could before we both take off for the summer. Needless to say life has been a bit hectic, but I love it! I am leaving with 7 other guys (hopefully0 to eugene, oregon on may 3rd. I am really excited to get out there and talk to people again. I know all you who may read this might find it hard to believe that I am excited to get out and knock doors and talk to people all day but I really am. That was my life for 2 years and I miss it, I miss talking to people about anything and helping them out, it fulfills something in me and I really enjoy it. I always love the opportunity to lead as well, it always brings out the best in me and I always surprise myself. I'm excited to learn more about the business world ;and to put some of my business ideas into action. I never viewed myself as a business man but I am beginning to see it more and more! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I stepped into the world of the iPhone and it is.......exhilarating to say the least. I knew it could do almost anything but i did not know the extent of that statement! It was a process getting the darn thing up and running though. I have it running with Tmobile now, which only took a turbo sim card, a nice Mexican man whom i had to pay $20 and two weeks of waiting time. All worth it :) Life is good right now and I feel like I am rediscovering myself and my confidence and it feels great. I feel so lucky that I have been blessed with limitless opportunities and wonderful people in my life.