Sunday, June 21, 2009

Piotr: Is planting the seed as rewarding as reeping?

Earlier this week as I was gloriously slaving away in the garden with mom I received a phone call from a girl in the ward. She asked me if I was planning on attending FHE the following monday, I replied "yes, of course" and she said "good, you will be giving the spiritual thought" and at that point I had no choise but to accept. I have given a millin spiritual thoughts in my time, but the thought of doing it in front of hundreds of people in a singles ward is a bit nerve racking. Nonetheless I have had that on my mind ever since wondering what I should share with the ward. I really wanted to share something that would mean something to them, not just a nother spiritual thought to keep in the back of your mind but one that would effect them and they would change because of it. Recently I was sitting in my room and I spotted my little red "lie book" from across the room. Now, let me explain exactly what this little lie book is. It is basically a year book for my mission. Everytime I transferred I would have missionaries and members and investigators that I had grown close to sign this book. There are jokes, pictures, and some serious stuff as well. It is one of my most valued posessions because it has so many memories and so many wonderful times associated with it. As I glanced through it I saw one in particular that I had not read in a while and I had somewhat forgotten about it. It was from a man named Piotr( the man in the above image getting baptized) and was titled "Nasze Spotkanie" translation, "our meeting." When I was a young missionary in my second transfer in Poland I was with an elder by the name of Elder Keister, who was also very young. Together we spoke enough polish to get the job done half decent and even managed tog et a few people taught. One day as we walked down the dirty streets of sosnowiec, we contacted a man (piotr) and he was a young man probably 24 or 25 and was athletic looking. He was coming from the park where he had been playing basketball, so we had an instant connection. He was very interested in talking to us and rather than meeting later he wanted to meet right then. Of course we were not opposed to this,so we walked a short distance and sat down. My first sign should have been where he took us to sit, it was an outdoor cathedral where they do mass a few times a day. There was no mass at the moment but there were a few peoplein the seats praying. We began teaching him and answering his questions, very typical. He quickly showed us just how devout he was to the catholic church. He would stop us mid-sentence and begin praying and shouting to mary or some other catholic saint. He even got on his knees out of nowhere and began praying to mary after hearing a bell go off, apparently she was there with us. He was very stubbarn in his ways and beliefs and was very happy with his life. We finished our meeting with testimony and we parted ways. We never saw him again, afterall the meeting had not gone well at all in my opinion. I was transferred to a new city a few months later as well as Elder Keister. Exactly a year and a half later I was transferred to a city named Katowice, which is 20 minutes from sosnowiec. I was to end my mission in this city. I spent 4 awesome months there in the same branch I had first been in when I got to poland. It was wonderful! On my second to last sunday in poland, I was in sacrament meeting waiting for it to begin when I saw Elder Buras walk in with a man and sit down. I faintly recongnized the man but did not think anything of it. After sacrament meeting I got up to greet everyone and walked over to the door and as I walked past Elder Buras, the man he was with grabbed my arm and said "Taylor! How are you??" and it took me about 3 seconds to remember who this man was, it was Piotr! It was a great reunion, we hugged and talked and got caught up and then I asked him the golden question, "what are you doing here?" and he then told me his story. After our meeting he had continued living his life as he had always lived it. He had always remembered our meeting, but nothing more than that. Things in his life began to spiral downwards and he was really being tried. He went to the only place that he knew of, his church. The preist was rude to him and had no answers that helped Piotr fell comfort. He felt let down by the only thing he had been dedicated to his whole life. He began to question the catholic church and eventually stopped attending. One day he knelt in prayer and asked his Father in Heaven to help him find the truth, to lead him to something or someone who could comfort him and help him find peace. As he left his apartment he walked out onto the street and began walking. He soon saw those familiar white shirts in the town square, with a white board talking with everyone. They saw him and asked him if he wanted to come write his name on teh board, so he did. He then stood there and talked with them and got set up to meet with them later that week. He met with the missionaries for a short period of time and he felt the spirit testify to his heart that this was an answer to his prayer, this was where his peace was to be found. When I saw him at church that day, I knew i recognized him but he looked different. He had the light, the light that only comes from this gospel. I knew immediately when I looked into his eyes that he was the same Piotr, but he was so different on the inside. He was going to be baptized a few days after I left poland for home. He asked me to perform the baptism, I would have stayed an extra year in Poland to perform that baptism if they wouuld have let me. Is it more rewarding to plant the seed, or to reep it? I have always thought that it was more rewarding to reep it, and see the success and blessings. After that, I am a firm believer that it is equally important and rewarding to plant the seeds as it is to reep them. I was lucky, I got to plant the seed and then watch the seed be reeped. I wonder if I have planted any seeds since returning home from my mission. Have I done any good for anyone? Has my influence, pressence, example or words effected anyone as much as they did Piotr? I hope that I never take for granted this Gospel. What a priceless pearl we have. If I had to search my whole life to find this gospel, and then go through the hardships associated with conversion, would I love it any more than I do now? I know that this is the message I want to share with the ward tomorrow. I am so grateful that the Lord can teach the teacher and the students at the same time. I know the Lord can and will lead us to these little tender mercies if we will but listen and obey. I know the power of writing these kind of experiences down. I have read that story and his testimony a dozen times and it teaches me and humbles me each and every time. What a life changing lesson would have been lost had I not written it down. I will not take the Gospel of Jesus Christ for granted. I want so badly to treat the gospel in my life as new converts do, with such reverrence. The way they cradle the Book of Mormon in their arms when they walk, as if it is a fragile vase, the way they carry the Book of Mormon with them everywhere they go, the way they are giddy like a little child just from being in the chapel. This is what the Lord had in mind when he commanded us all to be as a little child. I think that a shorter version of that will be a wonderful spiritual thought tomorrow. Ya gotta love FHE right?!?!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Life, it's rough huh? There is so much that comes to mind when I see or hear the word life. Busy, short, hard, fun and the list goes on. There is so much for us all individually to get done while in this life. We are taught from our youth that working hard is expected from us, and that good things will happen if we work hard. When we wake up in the morning, most of us immediatlely do a quick run through in our minds what we have to get done throughout the day and how busy we are. While at work and school there are deadlines, schedules and priorities and we will amost kill our selves to reach these deadlines and abide by the schedule. We are taught to get all we can out of this life and take every opportunity to better ourselves and have good experiences. We know that we are here on earth to "Prepare to meet God..." that means work work work right? It is a difficult thing to prepare to meet God. Our fathers go to work everyday to provide for us, their family. In this time of economic crisis it is especially stressful for fathers to maintain their jobs and salaries as to provide for needs of loved ones. In my situation as a student, it is very hard finding a good job that provides both, ample pay and flexible schedule so that I can succeed in school and life. I won't even get into dating and trying to find someone to share this "busy, hard, unfair" life with, but that does add an interesting twist to lifes struggles. This all seems so important right? I mean, what else is there to worry about? well, unfortunately prior to this week this was, to some extent, my mindset. That has all changed in my mind, forever. On monday as you may or may have not already read in my previous blog, my dad had three blood clotts pass through his heart and lodge in his lungs. For those of you who don't know your medical anatomy, a blood clott that enters the heart and stays causes cardiac arrest aka heart attack. I guess you could say he was "lucky" to have them go to his lungs, although he would not agree he was so lucky! After spending 6 days in the hospital (which is 6 more than I have seen him in a hospital previous to this) fighting through pneumonia and other side effects of his condition he was finally released home today. The Doctor told us as we checked him out that had my mom not brought him into the ER when she did on monday, we would have been attending his funeral today instead of bringing him home with us. WOW! If you have ever been scared in your life, or ever had your stomach in your throat, trust me it does not compare to the feeling you get when you here your hero was hours from death. I am sure I will never fully understand just how blessed he was and how blessed we all are to still have him here with us. As I sat and ate dinner with my mom tonight, I could not help but think over and over in my head what I have learned from all of this other then that I love my Dad and repsect him above all else. A thought kept entering my mind, perspective. Something like this, or even worse, an actual death, brings true perspective back into our lives. The month worth of multi-million dollar deals that my dad closed in the previous month at work, the extremely large ward that he bishops, my non-existent dating life, my struggles to find work, all of our family issues and concerns.......they quickly took a back seat to Dad's health. I realized that what makes this life so joyfull is not what we do, it's who we do it with. It's not about the work we do at our job, it's who we do the work with. It's not about where we go each day, it's about who we brush shoulders with along the way. Home is "home" to me not because it is where my room is, and my TV, it is because my family is here. This is no doubt why the Lord gave us power to seal family together and allow our relationships to exist on the other side of the veil. Think about that next time you decide "something" takes priority in our lives over "someone." We should all try a little harder to keep an eternal perspective in all that we do. I know it is easier said than done, but it truly makes a difference in the way we treat eachother and how we look at situations. And it might even cause you to relax a little and get rid of some of that stress that "things" in life often bring. I am so grateful for this lesson that has been etched onto my heart for good because of the last week. I wish that something so scary didn't need to happen for me to come to these conclusions and undersandings. That is why I chose to write this blog, hopefully someone will read it and change their perspective on their own. I will leave you with this one last thought. When was the last time you let someone you love leave your presence and you did not tell them that you loved them? If you knew it was the last time you would see them, would you let that opportunity slip away? The truth is, we will probably not know the last time we see a loved one, so don't ever let that happen........."Love who you love, and say that you do!"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer Time

Ahhhhhh summer time, isn't it so much less than it's cracked up to be?!?! I'm so underwhelmed by my summer thus far. "what have you been up to Lincoln?" I know you are all thinking, well, let me think about it a's hard to say, I swear i've been doing things and keeping busy but it's all been a rather large blurr! The first month of summer I spent in beautiful Oregon, doing some sales for a satellite company. It was an experience I willl never forget for so many good and bad reasons! I made some amazing friends and learned alot about myself! That's what a good summer experience is all about am I right? I learned that preperation can never be overdone. I will never fail to under prepare again in my life. For my sake and for the sake of those who put their trust in me. I had a feeling that I needed to cut my losses and come home for some reason. I had been home a few weeks before I am really understanding why I was needed back here. On monday my Dad had two blood clotts unlodge and get all the way to his lungs, which is very scary. It is, however, the best possible place of the three places they could have gone too. Had they gone to his heart he could have had cardiac arrest and if they'd gone to his brain he'd have had a stroke, or worse. I know the Lord blessed him so much and preserved his life, I have no doubt that there is much more important work for my Dad to perform on this earth. That being said, it has been a challenging trial for him and for all of us. Today he hoped to come home from the hospital, however, we believe he has now contracted pneumonia.....go figure. Needless to say, I have been playing "Mr.Mom" the last three or four days. My mom has been able to stay at the hospital 24/7 with my dad which has been a huge blessing in itself. I am so grateful that I have been in a position to help out like I have. As I sat in the temple today, it all made sense to me why I felt I needed to be back home. I love the temple, it seems to be the only place I can run to for peace now (besides my amazing bed). What a blessing to have the bounitufl temple 5 minutes to the north, and the salt lake 10 minutes to the south. Will I ever be able to comprehend how big of a blessing that has been in my life? I hope so. I am extremely exited to be back in teh singles ward on campus, I really love the ward. It has an awesome feeling and I am making some amazing friends. The bishopric is great as well, I love it because bishop Jacobsen is a football player and he runs his ward as he would a football team and it TRULY inspires me haha. I am currently an FHE supervisor. So far it has been a challenge but one that I look forward to completing. Now here is the big shocker for y'all..........are ya ready? No really, you better sit down for this one, especially if you know me well.......I am now an avid reader. Yup you read correctly, I actually read two whole books in two days this week, and I started the third today. Crazy huh? I have been reading mostly church related books, but it's been a blast! I got a replica copy of the original book of mormon the other day, the one without verses, just strait reading. I am hoping that will increase my reading stamina so i don't get intimidated by a 50 verse chapter, it's just like a novel! Dating is going as well as it usually does. I have been on some good dates lately, but nothing progressing to date numba 2! I am learning alot about myself through all this dating though, I am realizing what I need to do better and more effectively, you would think after 7 years of dating i'd have figured it out? someday it'll all make sense! Well, I hope this is enough to make up for the few months of silence on my blog, this is all the update I can muster out!